Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday Makeup Madness: FTC Update + YSL Babble

I'm sure you've all heard by now about the FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials on, among other things, blogs. I'm pretty sure it's on a going-forward basis, though I may update my old posts just to be safe. For the record, any opinions I've given on past makeup posts are my own honest opinions on items I have purchased myself. I'll figure something out for future posts...for example, I might use labels to differentiate as some other blogs have done (purchase / gift / sample / etc.). Next month, I'm hoping to go through the F&F aftermath and swatch what I've hauled. We'll see how that goes.

On to the babble. YSL's 2010 Spring Look is available for preorder; it should ship around January 11th. YSL is generally out of my price range, but I like to look at it just the same. I noticed two new Golden Glosses, #19 Golden Petal and #20 Golden Macadamia. Question: Is Golden Macadamia supposed to be a repromote or is it supposed to be new for spring? I ask because while it's not on the main Golden Gloss page now, it was during their F&F sale earlier this month (and I now own it as a result of that F&F), I'm wondering if Golden Petal was also on the site then. I can't remember offhand if I saw it.

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