Thursday, November 26, 2009

UD 24/7: I'm thankful for more important things, but I still like these very much.

Took this picture last Saturday as part of Friends & Family Aftermath (which will be the topic of the next Monday Makeup Madness--gotta start that up again, and since I have next Monday off, I really should post something). This is a comparison of the (at the time) six set-exclusive UD 24/7 shades paired with what I believe to be the closest colors from their permanent line. Honey and Eldorado really are quite different, aren't they? Anyway, I meant to post this a couple of days ago and even thought about doing some sort of poll asking which shade would be the best addition to the permanent line. Well, I'm glad I didn't do that, because on Tuesday, four of those shades were officially added to the line: Oil Slick, Binge, Mildew and Crash. All are lovely, but it bums me out a bit that Corrupt didn't make the cut. That brown suits me much better than Bourbon does. Oh well.

Today is Thanksgiving here in the US, so Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :D

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